Department of Health Sciences - Research projects
Research project
study MS patients understaNding of lifestyle
According to estimates 6000-8000 people affected by multiple sclerosis in Hungary, each year 300-500 new cases are diagnosed. The course of the disease is very varied, not only between different subtypes of symptoms but almost every patient is unique. Therefore it is called a protean disease, as the body’s pathological processes appear with the most diverse complaints.
There is a mistaken belief that multiple sclerosis is a bleak and full-degenerative disease and results in total helplessness. 30-40% of cases are very indolent, the patients even after 10-15 years case history are able to do light physical work and are moderately disabled. Unfortunately 10% of patients become bedridden within 2-3 years. Besides treating the disease with drug therapy, the patients’ lifestyle is important as well.
- The purpose of the research
- Questionnaire to assess the knowledge of MS patients in Hungary about the disease, the medical treatment, quality of life, influence the way of life of the disease, the role and its relationship to health.
- Satisfaction with the therapeutic process, needs / latent needs, patient expectations and the impact on their daily lives.
- Subjective assessment of the patient's condition is an excellent indicator of the "health state" and limitations. The goal is to create an attitude scale, which constantly evaluates the change in the patient’s condition.
- Material and methods
- 2013- Questionnaire survey
- Time: 2013. April to September
- Cross-sectional research in Hungary among MS patients
- The sample selection criteria: diagnosed people with multiple sclerosis regardless of whether they have received or haven’t received active therapy.
- Exclusion criteria: none
- Item number: 350 person
- Place of research: The sites of Multiple Sclerosis National Association for patients.
- 2014 subjective health assessment scale with the help of Likert scale
- Item number: 100 person
- Attitude scale production
- gather from the patients 100 relevant items (the attitude object to be measured is relevant).
- Placing the items on a five-point scale.
- Calculate a prior attitude score from the scores.
- Item analysis.
- Expected results:
The results of the questionnaire completed in the fall of the 2013 and with the results we can support professional recommendations.
The first steps of the scale preparation are expected to be completed in the summer of 2014, following this technical negotiations will be carried out. After the consultation the scale testing will take place.The real value of the study is that it contributes to the way of life of MS patients and to the development of health-conscious behaviour. In addition it can create a niche attitude scale, which can be applied to the patient’s environment to monitor their own condition.